The Toddler Program includes children ranging in age from 15 months to 2 years. A toddler’s needs may change quickly and our teachers are ready to adapt and make classroom changes to accommodate those needs. Our toddler teachers keep their day moving by planning fun and exciting hands-on activities in all developmental areas:
As children grow they will discover the skills of communication as their language skills start to form. Toddlers also learn the skills required to interact with their peers and how to appropriately express their feelings and emotions. They learn skills like pushing, pulling, stacking, sorting by color and size.
Daily communication between parents and caregivers is strongly encouraged. An individual daily report is sent home detailing each toddler’s day, including feeding, changing, naps and supply needs. We encourage parents to call anytime with questions or concerns.
Parent teacher conferences are offered twice a year to discuss each child’s progress and development.